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Velvet has already secured $30 million and hopes to transact $250 million on the platform next year.
But advisors are lagging behind.
Brandon Thomas, CIO of Envestnet, talks about the recent growth of the strategy and what is behind it.
More than 54 plans, representing 90 percent of the industry’s $415 billion plan assets, were evaluated by Morningstar.
“Large institutional investors are not going to pull out their phone and download an app and put a billion dollars to work. They’re going to work in a regulated market,” says Matt Hougan, CIO of Bitwise.
Cerulli Associates, Invesco, and the Investment & Wealth Institute have written a new ‘playbook’ for advisors about alternative investments.
Ric Edelman says yes and that it might come this year.
According to a new report by Cerulli, technological changes and increased education have made the once inaccessible alternative more available than ever.